Upgrade to New DN Format


Old DN format including DN in the double quotes (e.g., dn: cn=”a=b,c=d,e=f”,dc=example,dc=com) are currently rejected. We want to support it to keep the backward compatibility. See also RFC 4514 “Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): String Representation of Distinguished Names”.

Rules to handle DN

  1. DNs sent from LDAP clients are normalized when the server receives it. The normalized DNs are stored in the backend.
  2. DN syntax attributes are also normalized. It happens when creating an entry (Slapi_Entry). The normalized DN syntax attributes are stored in the backend.
  3. If defining a custom schema, attribute type which stores DN format value must have “Directory String syntax” OID1. Otherwise, the server may not work as expected.
  4. Plugins which generates DN string are supposed to call slapi_create_dn_string instead of slapi_ch_smprintf, snprintf, etc. It guarantees the generated DN is valid. Here is an example.

    char \*dn = slapi\_create\_dn\_string("cn=%s,%s", name, PLUGIN\_BASE\_DN);

Newly added APIs

 * Checks if the attribute uses a DN syntax or not.    
 * parameters    
 *   attr The attribute to be checked.    
 * return values    
 *   non 0 if the attribute uses a DN syntax.    
 *   0 if the attribute does not use a DN syntax.    
int slapi_attr_is_dn_syntax_attr(Slapi_Attr *attr);    

 * Normalizes a DN.    
 * parameters     
 *   src The DN to normalize.    
 *   src_len The length of src DN to normalize. If 0 is given, strlen(src) is used.    
 *   dest The normalized DN.    
 *   dest_len The length of the normalized DN dest.    
 * return values    
 *   0 if successful. The dest DN is normalized in line. Caller must not free dest.    
 *   1 if successful. The dest DN is allocated.  Caller must free dest.    
 *   -1 if an error occurs (for example, if the src DN cannot be normalized)    
int slapi_dn_normalize_ext(char *src, size_t src_len, char **dest, size_t *dest_len);    

 * Normalizes a DN (in lower-case characters).    
int slapi_dn_normalize_case_ext(char *src, size_t src_len, char **dest, size_t *dest_len);    

 * Generate a valid DN string.    
 * parameters    
 *   fmt The format used to generate a DN string.    
 *   ... The arguments to generate a DN string.    
 * return values    
 *   A pointer to the generated DN.  The     
 *   NULL if failed.    
 * note: When a DN needs to be internally created, this function is supposed to be called.      
 * This function allocates the enough memory for the normalized DN and returns it filled     
 * with the normalized DN.    
char *slapi_create_dn_string(const char *fmt, ...);    

 * Generates a valid DN string (in lower-case characters).    
char *slapi_create_dn_string_case(const char *fmt, ...);    

Steps to implement

Initial unescape/escape for DN

. escaped NEEDSESCAPE chars (e.g., ',', '<', '=', etc.) are converted to ESC HEX HEX (e.g., \2C, \3C, \3D, etc.)    
  input could be a string in double quotes (= old DN format: dn: cn="x=x,y=y",... --> dn: cn=x\3Dx\2Cy\3Dy,...)    
  or an escaped string (= new DN format dn: cn=x\=x\,y\=y,... -> dn: cn=x\3Dx\2Cy\3Dy,...)    
. all the other ESC HEX HEX are converted to the real characters.    
. eliminate unnecessary unescaped spaces around ','    

Note: this is done at the first place in the front end. Thus, the rest of the server does not have to expect to see the longer DN.

Normalize when necessary for database keys/comparison/matching

. when the DN value is used as an attribute value, any ESC HEX HEX characters need to be replaced     
  with the corresponding real character.    


Double quotes in the old format are included in the appended attribute value. (e.g., dn: cn=”a=b,c=d,e=f”,dc=… generates “cn: “a=b,c=d,e=f” not “cn: a=b,c=d”, which is the key in the index “cn” on DS8.1 and older)

$ ldapsearch -b "dc=example,dc=com" '(cn="a=b,c=d")'    
dn: cn="a=b,c=d", dc=example,dc=com    
objectClass: top    
objectClass: person    
sn: a=b,c=d    
cn: "a=b,c=d"    
$ ldapsearch -b "dc=example,dc=com" '(cn=a=b,c=d)'    

In-place-upgrade upgrades DN syntax attribute values which contains an escape character ‘\’ or the value is double quoted. In-place-upgrade internally calls the DN upgrade tool upgradednformat. The tool is provided for checking the necessity of the upgrade as well as for executing the DN upgrade. To run the tool, the Directory Server should have been shutdown.

Usage: upgradednformat [-N] -n backend_instance -a db_instance_directory    
        -N: dryrun    
            exit code: 0 -- needs upgrade; 1 -- no need to upgrade; -1 -- error    
        -n backend_instance -- instance name to be examined or upgraded    
        -a db_instance_directory -- full path to the db instance dir    
                                    e.g., /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db/userRoot    

Sample usage 1 (DB contains DN upgrade candidates)

# upgradednformat -N -n userRoot -a /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/work/db/userRoot    
[...] - upgradedn userRoot: Upgrade Dn Dryrun complete.  userRoot needs upgradednformat.    
# echo $?    
# upgradednformat -n userRoot -a /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/work/db/userRoot    
[...] - upgradedn userRoot: Upgrade Dn complete.  Processed 12 entries in 0 seconds. (0.00 entries/sec)    

Sample usage 2 (DB does not contain DN upgrade candidates)

# upgradednformat -N -n userRoot -a /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/work/db/userRoot    
[...] - upgradedn userRoot: Upgrade Dn Dryrun complete.  userRoot is up-to-date.    
# echo $?    

Sample usage 3 (rerun upgradednformat against the DB which is already upgraded)

# upgradednformat -n userRoot -a /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db/userRoot    
[...] Upgrade DN Format - userRoot: Start upgrade dn format.    
[...] Upgrade DN Format - Instance userRoot in /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db/userRoot is up-to-date    
# echo $?    

Sample usage 4 (run upgradednformat with the Directory Server up and running)

# upgradednformat -n userRoot -a /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db/userRoot    
[...] - Unable to upgrade dn format because the database is being used by another slapd process.    
[...] - Shutting down due to possible conflicts with other slapd processes    
# echo $?    


The db directory as well as each db instance directory holds DBVERSION file.

# cat db/DBVERSION db/userRoot/DBVERSION     

To specify the instance directory is upgraded or up-to-date another DBVERSION ID “dn-4514” has been added. Once the instance directory is upgraded or the dryrun mode finds out the db instance is no need to be upgraded, the DBVERSION file in the instance directory is modified as follows.

# cat db/userRoot/DBVERSION     

If you create a backend instance using the latest version of the Directory Server, the DBVERSION ID is added from the beginning.

Upgrade Scenario

  1. Older version of directory server is installed and being used

     Assume DB dir has 2 db backend instances abcRoot and userRoot:    
     $ cd /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID
     $ ls -R db    
     abcRoot  __db.002  __db.004  __db.006   guardian        userRoot    
     __db.001   __db.003  __db.005  DBVERSION  log.0000000001    
     aci.db4         DBVERSION     nsuniqueid.db4       parentid.db4    
     ancestorid.db4  entrydn.db4   numsubordinates.db4  seeAlso.db4    
     cn.db4          id2entry.db4  objectclass.db4      sn.db4    
     aci.db4         entrydn.db4    nsuniqueid.db4       sn.db4    
     ancestorid.db4  givenName.db4  numsubordinates.db4  telephoneNumber.db4    
     cn.db4          id2entry.db4   objectclass.db4      uid.db4    
     DBVERSION       mail.db4       parentid.db4    

    DBVERSION files look like this:

     $ find . -name DBVERSION | xargs head    
     ==> ./db/abcRoot/DBVERSION <==    
     ==> ./db/DBVERSION <==    
     ==> ./db/userRoot/DBVERSION <==    
  2. Upgrade to newer version of directory server

     yum update ...packages..    


     yum install /path/to/<dirsrv-package-version>.rpm + setup-ds.pl -u (Offline mode)   
  3. Check the errors log:

     # grep "Upgrade Dn.*complete" /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-ID/errors    
     [...] - upgradedn abcRoot: Upgrade Dn Dryrun complete.  abcRoot needs upgradednformat.    
     [...] - upgradedn abcRoot: Upgrade Dn complete.  Processed 2 entries in 1 seconds. (2.00 entries/sec)    
     [...] - upgradedn userRoot: Upgrade Dn Dryrun complete.  Processed 0 entries in 3 seconds. (0.00 entries/sec)    
     [...] - upgradedn userRoot: Upgrade Dn Dryrun complete.  userRoot is up-to-date.    

    These lines tell us that the db backend instance abcRoot contains values that need to be upgraded and the upgrade was executed, while userRoot does not.

  4. Check the upgraded DB directories and DBVERSION files

     $ ls -R db    
     abcRoot  abcRoot.orig  DBVERSION  guardian  log.0000000001  userRoot    
     aci.db4         DBVERSION     nsuniqueid.db4       parentid.db4    
     ancestorid.db4  entrydn.db4   numsubordinates.db4  seeAlso.db4    
     cn.db4          id2entry.db4  objectclass.db4      sn.db4    
     aci.db4         DBVERSION    id2entry.db4         objectclass.db4  sn.db4    
     ancestorid.db4  dnupgrade    nsuniqueid.db4       parentid.db4    
     cn.db4          entrydn.db4  numsubordinates.db4  seeAlso.db4    
     DBVERSION  guardian    
     aci.db4         entrydn.db4    nsuniqueid.db4       sn.db4    
     ancestorid.db4  givenName.db4  numsubordinates.db4  telephoneNumber.db4    
     cn.db4          id2entry.db4   objectclass.db4      uid.db4    
     DBVERSION       mail.db4       parentid.db4    
     # find . -name DBVERSION | xargs head    
     ==> ./db/abcRoot/DBVERSION <==    
     ==> ./db/DBVERSION <==    
     ==> ./db/abcRoot.orig/DBVERSION <==    
     ==> ./db/abcRoot.orig/dnupgrade/DBVERSION <==    
     => ./db/userRoot/DBVERSION <==    

    Under the db directory, there are 2 abcRoot db backend instance directories: abcRoot and abcRoot.orig. abcRoot.orig is an original db backend instance and abcRoot is the upgraded one.

  5. Verify the upgraded DB

    5-1. Start the server

         # service dirsrv start    

    5-2. Search an entry which could contain escaped characters.

    A good candidate is an attribute value that could be surrounded by double quotes. Assume “dc=test,dc=com” is the suffix of the upgraded db backend instance (abcRoot):

         $ ldapsearch -b "dc=test,dc=com" '(cn=\"*\")' entrydn    
         dn: cn=a\3Dabc\2Cx\3Dxyz,dc=test,dc=com    
         entrydn: cn=a\3dabc\2cx\3dxyz,dc=test,dc=com    
         $ ldapsearch -b "dc=test,dc=com" '(cn=*\"*\"*)' entrydn cn    
         dn: CN=James \22Jim\22 Smith\2CIII,dc=test,dc=com    
         entrydn: cn=james \22jim\22 smith\2ciii,dc=test,dc=com    
         cn: James "Jim" Smith, III    
         cn: James "Jim" Smith,III    

    If the search results are correctly escaped, the original db backend instance directory (abcRoot.orig) could be safely removed. If you are using the console, the o=NetscapeRoot suffix has some examples of DNs with escaped DNs in them:

         $ ldapsearch -s one -b "ou=UserPreferences,ou=testdomain.com,o=netscaperoot"    
         dn: ou=uid\3Dadmin\2Cou\3DAdministrators\2Cou\3DTopologyManagement\2Co\3DNetsc    
         objectClass: top    
         objectClass: organizationalUnit    
         ou: uid=admin,ou=Administrators,ou=TopologyManagement,o=NetscapeRoot    
         dn: ou=cn\3Dslapd-example\2Ccn\3D389 Directory Server\2Ccn\3DServer Group\2Ccn\    
         objectClass: top    
         objectClass: organizationalUnit    
         ou: cn=slapd-example,cn=389 Directory Server,cn=Server Group,cn=host.example    
         dn: ou=cn\3DDirectory Manager,ou=UserPreferences,ou=example.com,o=NetscapeR    
         objectClass: top    
         objectClass: organizationalUnit    
         ou: cn=Directory Manager    
         dn: ou=cn\3Dadmin-serv-example\2Ccn\3D389 Administration Server\2Ccn\3DServer G    
         objectClass: top    
         objectClass: organizationalUnit    
         ou: cn=admin-serv-example,cn=389 Administration Server,cn=Server Group,cn=hos    

    You can see that in the DN, the values are escaped (ou=cn\3Dadmin-serv…..) but in the entry, the ou value is just the unescaped DN.

    5-3. Login as a user who installed the Directory Server.

     $ rm -rf /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db/abcRoot.orig    
  6. If you could not verify the upgraded db backend instance, replace the upgraded db with the original one. make sure the server is down

     # service dirsrv stop    
     # rm -rf /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db/abcRoot    
     # mv /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db/abcRoot.orig /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db/abcRoot    

    6-1. To upgrade the failed db instance, execute export and import. Assuming the failed backend instance name is abcRoot.

         # /usr/lib[64]/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db2ldif -n abcRoot    
         Exported ldif file: /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/ldif/ID-abcRoot.ldif    
         # /usr/lib[64]/dirsrv/slapd-ID/ldif2db -n abcRoot -i /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/ldif/ID-abcRoot.ldif    

Another Upgrade Scenario

RHDS8.1/389 v1.2.5 has a bug, where the server accepts duplicated DNs. (see also bug 612771)

Sample ldif containing duplicated DNs:

dn: cn="uid=tuser1,ou=OU0,o=O0",ou=People, dc=example,dc=com    
uid: tuser1    
givenName: test    
objectClass: top    
objectClass: person    
objectClass: organizationalPerson    
objectClass: inetorgperson    
sn: user1    
cn: uid=tuser1,ou=OU0,o=O0    
userPassword: tuser1    

dn: cn=uid\=tuser1\,ou\=OU0\,o\=O0,ou=People, dc=example,dc=com    
uid: tuser1    
givenName: test    
objectClass: top    
objectClass: person    
objectClass: organizationalPerson    
objectClass: inetorgperson    
sn: user1    
cn: uid=tuser1,ou=OU0,o=O0    
userPassword: tuser1    

dn: cn=uid\=tuser2\,ou\=OU0\,o\=O0,ou=People, dc=example,dc=com    
uid: tuser2    
givenName: test    
objectClass: top    
objectClass: person    
objectClass: organizationalPerson    
objectClass: inetorgperson    
sn: user2    
cn: uid=tuser2,ou=OU0,o=O0    
userPassword: tuser2    

dn: cn="uid=tuser2,ou=OU0,o=O0",ou=People, dc=example,dc=com    
uid: tuser2    
givenName: test    
objectClass: top    
objectClass: person    
objectClass: organizationalPerson    
objectClass: inetorgperson    
sn: user2    
cn: uid=tuser2,ou=OU0,o=O0    
userPassword: tuser2    

dn: ou="cn=A,ou=B,o=C",ou=people, dc=example,dc=com    
objectClass: top    
objectClass: organizationalUnit    
ou: cn=A,ou=B,o=C    

dn: ou=cn\=A\,ou\=B\,o\=C,ou=people, dc=example,dc=com    
objectClass: top    
objectClass: organizationalUnit    
ou: cn=A,ou=B,o=C    

dn: cn=X,ou="cn=A,ou=B,o=C",ou=people, dc=example,dc=com    
objectClass: top    
objectClass: person    
cn: X    
sn: X    

dn: cn=X,ou=cn\=A\,ou\=B\,o\=C,ou=people, dc=example,dc=com    
objectClass: top    
objectClass: person    
cn: X    
sn: X    

dn: cn=Y,ou=cn\=A\,ou\=B\,o\=C,ou=people, dc=example,dc=com    
objectClass: top    
objectClass: person    
cn: Y    
sn: Y    

dn: cn=Y,ou="cn=A,ou=B,o=C",ou=people, dc=example,dc=com    
objectClass: top    
objectClass: person    
cn: Y    
sn: Y    

On RHDS 8.1 / 389 v1.2.5, entries in the above sample ldif file are added without any problem. And the duplicated entries could be retrieved as follows:

$ ldapsearch -b "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" "(|(cn=*)(ou=*))" entrydn entryid parentid    
dn: ou=People, dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 4    
parentid: 1    

dn: cn="uid=tuser1,ou=OU0,o=O0",ou=People, dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn="uid=tuser1,ou=ou0,o=o0",ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 10    
parentid: 4    

dn: cn=uid\=tuser1\,ou\=OU0\,o\=O0,ou=People, dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn=uid=tuser1\,ou=ou0\,o=o0,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 11    
parentid: 4    

dn: cn=uid\=tuser2\,ou\=OU0\,o\=O0,ou=People, dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn=uid=tuser2\,ou=ou0\,o=o0,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 12    
parentid: 4    

dn: cn="uid=tuser2,ou=OU0,o=O0",ou=People, dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn="uid=tuser2,ou=ou0,o=o0",ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 13    
parentid: 4    

dn: ou="cn=A,ou=B,o=C",ou=people, dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: ou="cn=a,ou=b,o=c",ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 14    
parentid: 4    

dn: ou=cn\=A\,ou\=B\,o\=C,ou=people, dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: ou=cn=a\,ou=b\,o=c,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 15    
parentid: 4    

dn: cn=X,ou="cn=A,ou=B,o=C",ou=people, dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn=x,ou="cn=a,ou=b,o=c",ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 16    
parentid: 14    

dn: cn=X,ou=cn\=A\,ou\=B\,o\=C,ou=people, dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn=x,ou=cn=a\,ou=b\,o=c,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 17    
parentid: 15    

dn: cn=Y,ou=cn\=A\,ou\=B\,o\=C,ou=people, dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn=y,ou=cn=a\,ou=b\,o=c,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 18    
parentid: 15    

dn: cn=Y,ou="cn=A,ou=B,o=C",ou=people, dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn=y,ou="cn=a,ou=b,o=c",ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 19    
parentid: 14    

yum upgrade calls setup-ds.pl utility with ‘-u’ option, from which upgradednformat utility is invoked.

[spec file snippet]    
-- do the upgrade    
   print("upgrading instances . . .")    
   os.execute('%{_sbindir}/setup-ds.pl -l /dev/null -u ...    

Once the utility detects the duplicated DNs, it logs an error and renames the second DN as follows.

[..] - upgradedn userRoot: Duplicated entrydn detected: "cn=uid\3dtuser1\2cou\3dou0\2co\3do0,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com": Entry ID: (10, 11)    
[..] - upgradedn userRoot: WARNING: Duplicated entry cn=uid\=tuser1\,ou\=OU0\,o\=O0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com is renamed to cn=uid\3Dtuser1\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0+nsuniqueid=ae8c95af-8fac11df-80000000-00000000,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com; Entry ID: 11    
[..] - upgradedn userRoot: Duplicated entrydn detected: "cn=uid\3dtuser2\2cou\3dou0\2co\3do0,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com": Entry ID: (12, 13)    
[..] - upgradedn userRoot: WARNING: Duplicated entry cn="uid=tuser2,ou=OU0,o=O0",ou=People,dc=example,dc=com is renamed to cn=uid\3Dtuser2\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0+nsuniqueid=ae8c95b0-8fac11df-80000000-00000000,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com; Entry ID: 13    

Customers are supposed to do the followings when in-place upgrade is done. . Check the error log /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-ID/error to see if “Duplicated entry” strings are in the file or not. . If they are found, clean up the duplicated entries. Here’s the steps how to clean up the duplicated entries using the above example. After upgrading to RHDS8.2/389 v1.2.6, the contents of the db looks like this:

$ ldapsearch -b "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" "(|(cn=*)(ou=*))" entrydn entryid parentid    
dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 4    
parentid: 1    

dn: cn=uid\3Dtuser1\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn=uid\3dtuser1\2cou\3dou0\2co\3do0,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 10    
parentid: 4    

dn: cn=uid\3Dtuser1\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0+nsuniqueid=7c7d32af-8fb011df-80000000-    
entrydn: cn=uid\3Dtuser1\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0+nsuniqueid=7c7d32af-8fb011df-8000    
entryid: 11    
parentid: 4    

dn: cn=uid\3Dtuser2\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn=uid\3dtuser2\2cou\3dou0\2co\3do0,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 12    
parentid: 4    
cn: uid=tuser2,ou=OU0,o=O0    

dn: cn=uid\3Dtuser2\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0+nsuniqueid=7c7d32b0-8fb011df-80000000-    
entrydn: cn=uid\3Dtuser2\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0+nsuniqueid=7c7d32b0-8fb011df-8000    
entryid: 13    
parentid: 4    

dn: ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co\3DC,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: ou=cn\3da\2cou\3db\2co\3dc,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 14    
parentid: 4    

dn: nsuniqueid=7c7d32b1-8fb011df-80000000-00000000+ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co\3DC,    
entrydn: nsuniqueid=7c7d32b1-8fb011df-80000000-00000000+ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co    
entryid: 15    
parentid: 4    

dn: cn=X,ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co\3DC,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn=x,ou=cn\3da\2cou\3db\2co\3dc,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 16    
parentid: 14    

dn: cn=X+nsuniqueid=7c7d32b2-8fb011df-80000000-00000000,ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co    
entrydn: cn=X+nsuniqueid=7c7d32b2-8fb011df-80000000-00000000,ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3D    
entryid: 17    
parentid: 14    

dn: cn=Y,ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co\3DC,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn=y,ou=cn\3da\2cou\3db\2co\3dc,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 18    
parentid: 14    

dn: cn=Y+nsuniqueid=7c7d32b3-8fb011df-80000000-00000000,ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co    
entrydn: cn=Y+nsuniqueid=7c7d32b3-8fb011df-80000000-00000000,ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3D    
entryid: 19    
parentid: 14    

Please note that the leaf RDN of the duplicated DNs are renamed to nsuniqueid=,DN>

To do the clean up task, 1) determine which entry is kept and which entry is removed. Let’s assume this is the decision (to represent the entry, entryid is used.)

1 - 4 - 10    
1 - 4 - 13    
1 - 4 - 14    
1 - 4 - 14 - 16    
1 - 4 - 14 - 19    
1 - 4 - 11    
1 - 4 - 12    
1 - 4 - 15    
1 - 4 - 14 - 17    
1 - 4 - 14 - 18    

2) Start from the leaves. 2.1) Remove entry id 11 and 12; 11 can be just deleted; for 12, delete 12 then need to rename 13 to the DN of 12.

dn: cn=uid\3Dtuser1\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0+nsuniqueid=7c7d32af-8fb011df-80000000-
entrydn: cn=uid\3Dtuser1\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0+nsuniqueid=7c7d32af-8fb011df-8000
entryid: 11
parentid: 4

dn: cn=uid\3Dtuser2\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
entrydn: cn=uid\3dtuser2\2cou\3dou0\2co\3do0,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
entryid: 12
parentid: 4

dn: cn=uid\3Dtuser2\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0+nsuniqueid=7c7d32b0-8fb011df-80000000-
entrydn: cn=uid\3Dtuser2\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0+nsuniqueid=7c7d32b0-8fb011df-8000
entryid: 13
parentid: 4

2.1.1) Remove 11 and 12

$ ldapdelete -D 'cn=directory manager' -w password

2.1.2) Rename 13

$ ldapmodify -D 'cn=directory manager' -w password
dn: cn=uid\3Dtuser2\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0+nsuniqueid=ae8c95b0-8fac11df-80000000-00000000,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modrdn
newrdn: cn=uid\3Dtuser2\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0
deleteoldrdn: 0

Note: deleteoldrdn value should be 0 since nsuniqueid is an operational attribute which is not allowed to manipulate.

2.2) Remove entry id 17 and 18; rename 19 to the DN of 18

dn: cn=X+nsuniqueid=7c7d32b2-8fb011df-80000000-00000000,ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co
entrydn: cn=X+nsuniqueid=7c7d32b2-8fb011df-80000000-00000000,ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3D
entryid: 17
parentid: 14

dn: cn=Y,ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co\3DC,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
entrydn: cn=y,ou=cn\3da\2cou\3db\2co\3dc,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
entryid: 18
parentid: 14

dn: cn=Y+nsuniqueid=7c7d32b3-8fb011df-80000000-00000000,ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co
entrydn: cn=Y+nsuniqueid=7c7d32b3-8fb011df-80000000-00000000,ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3D
entryid: 19
parentid: 14

2.2.1) Remove 17 and 18

$ ldapdelete -D 'cn=directory manager' -w password    

2.2.2) Rename 19

$ ldapmodify -D 'cn=directory manager' -w password    
dn: cn=Y+nsuniqueid=ae8c95b3-8fac11df-80000000-00000000,ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co\3DC,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
changetype: modrdn    
newrdn: cn=Y    
deleteoldrdn: 0    

2.3) Remove 15

dn: nsuniqueid=7c7d32b1-8fb011df-80000000-00000000+ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co\3DC,    
entrydn: nsuniqueid=7c7d32b1-8fb011df-80000000-00000000+ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co    
entryid: 15    
parentid: 4    

$ ldapdelete -D 'cn=directory manager' -w password    

3) Cleaned up result; there is no duplicated entries.

dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 4    
parentid: 1    

dn: cn=uid\3Dtuser1\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn=uid\3dtuser1\2cou\3dou0\2co\3do0,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 10    
parentid: 4    
cn: uid=tuser1,ou=OU0,o=O0    
cn: "uid=tuser1,ou=OU0,o=O0"    

dn: cn=uid\3Dtuser2\2Cou\3DOU0\2Co\3DO0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn=uid\3dtuser2\2cou\3dou0\2co\3do0,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 13    
parentid: 4    
cn: uid=tuser2,ou=OU0,o=O0    
cn: "uid=tuser2,ou=OU0,o=O0"    

dn: ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co\3DC,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: ou=cn\3da\2cou\3db\2co\3dc,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 14    
parentid: 4    

dn: cn=X,ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co\3DC,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn=x,ou=cn\3da\2cou\3db\2co\3dc,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 16    
parentid: 14    
cn: X    

dn: cn=Y,ou=cn\3DA\2Cou\3DB\2Co\3DC,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entrydn: cn=y,ou=cn\3da\2cou\3db\2co\3dc,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com    
entryid: 19    
parentid: 14    
cn: Y    


  dn: cn=ATELIER DE M\C3\89CANIQUE,dc=example,dc=com    
Search result (Base64 decoded)    
  dn: cn=ATELIER DE MÉCANIQUE,dc=example,dc=com    

  dn: cn="a=b,c=d",dc=example,dc=com    
Search/Export result    
  dn: cn=a\3Db\2Cc\3Dd,dc=example,dc=com    
  cn: a=b,c=d    

  dn: cn=x\=y\,z\=w,dc=example,dc=com    
Search/Export result    
  dn: cn=x\3Dy\2Cz\3Dw,dc=example,dc=com    
  cn: x=y,z=w    

  dn: cn=l\3Dm\2Cn\3Do, dc=example,dc=com    
Search/Export result    
  dn: cn=l\3Dm\2Cn\3Do,dc=example,dc=com    
  cn: l=m,n=o    

Bug 199923 - subtree search fails to find items under a db containing special characters

Bug 567968 - subtree/user level password policy created using 389-ds-console doesn’t work.

Bug 570107 - The import of LDIFs with base-64 encoded DNs fails, modrdn with non-ASCII new rdn incorrect

Bug 570962 - ns-inactivate.pl does not work

Bug 572785 - DN syntax: old style of DN =””, is not correctly normalizedDN>

Bug 573060 - DN normalizer: ESC HEX HEX is not normalized

Bug 574167 - An escaped space at the end of the RDN value is not handled correctly

Bug 612771 - RHDS 8.1/389 v1.2.5 accepts 2 identical entries with different DN formats

Last modified on 9 May 2024